David Dees was and remains, without question, the most brilliant, revolutionary Political Artist of our times. David redefined the entire genre and created his own unprecedented and singular platform of political expression and social commentary. I cannot imagine anyone capturing or duplicating his overwhelming use of imagery and color to make such enormous, sometimes frightening, often witty and always powerful statements. Many of his images instantly knock the observer into a heightened state of clarity and realization of what is being done to all of us by the deep state and World Matrix of Zionist, communist, socialist globalization.

It is never easy saying goodbye. Especially to a friend and colleague with whom one has shared so many extraordinary experiences. David was more than a friend...he was a professional colleague, a neighbor, a confidante and someone who enjoyed giving and sharing. He gave his art to the world, he gave his time to people in need, he loved nature and most especially his cats and bunnies ...for which he built a little paradise on the half acre and modest home I managed to find for him almost ten years ago. That is quite a story in itself.

How many people do you know who would spend all afternoon singing and entertaining the elderly and ill in hospice and extended care residences? I would often go with him when he performed at these places and I can tell you that I've seen a lot of older Americans smiling with wet eyes as David sang to them. When the end of an afternoon would arrive and it would be time to go, I'd start helping him pack his music equipment to drive him home...and watch many of these seniors come up to him...some being pushed in wheelchairs...to thank him often through tears of appreciation.

Shortly before I helped move him into a hospice here in town, he said to me 'How strange that after all those times I'd sing at hospices that now it's me who is going into one.' I was with David as much as I could be from the time he learned of the diagnosis through two hospital stays, 10 radiation sessions and then, finally, to what is considered to be the best hospice available in our area. His stay there was made possible by one of his doctors who came to know him and learned about his art and his efforts to help the world wake up and achieve meaningful change.

I would drive and visit him most every day during the last stage. I tried to be sure he had at least one visitor each day. I last visited him in the early evening of Saturday, May 30. I knew it would be the final visit and even though he couldn't talk and was heavily sedated, I just sat next to him in my usual chair for over an hour so he wouldn't be alone. All I said was, 'I'm here...just rest.' I didn't wan't him to feel any need to whisper. I could tell he was in increasing discomfort and I finally, whispered to him 'Would you like me to get you something for the pain? He perceptively nodded and I left to alert the nurse who brought the medication in a few minutes later. I finally left after he received another maximal dose and could see, after some minutes, that he was not in as much distress.

There is much more but I want all of his friends to know that during all the visits, I would often think of the millions of people whose lives had been and will continue to be influenced and made better by David's gifts to all of us.

Before things neared the end and he was still able to whisper a few words of conversation, I would often remind him that his art had changed the world and that it would never be forgotten. So, on behalf of everyone who cared for and respected this man for his enormous talent, kind heart, his life-changing contributions through his art...or singing for countless hospice patients...please know that he cared about all of you.

Many of you may be worried that his art might vanish. Please put such concerns to rest. When he asked me if I would take over and speak to his doctors and make medical decisions on his behalf, I said, 'Of course' before he even finished the request. I told him many times not to worry about ANYTHING...and I sincerely don't believe he did.

He asked me to do one other thing...'Please be sure to protect the art, I'm giving everything to you.' So, to each and every one of you who care and who have been enriched by his gifts, please know David's incomparable artistic genius is safe. I had to disable the sales page on his site and I apologize for any inconvenience. Rest assured his fabulous books will be available again soon. As you can imagine, there is a great deal that I must take care of. I've made all arrangements necessary to provide the very best possible closure of his physical time on this troubled planet.

To help pay tribute to his wizardry, I have carefully put together the gallery below. We all have our favorite pieces and I've tried to provide a nice survey of some of his most stunning works. (Click to enlarge the first image and then click on that image to automatically go through the series.)

Many of these political and environmental art statements vividly and often instantly imprint themselves in the mind and they remain there...like lampposts in the darkness and confusion that is being conjured up by the global elite and their control grid which is forcing us into their Next World of abject surveillance and domination.

Everything from the fraud of the allegedly representative government in DC and state Capitols to the climate and air we breathe, and the EMF and 5G pollution that permeates everything, to the toxic GMO food on our tables and the continuous political and financial lies and deceit we are constantly being fed...all are stunningly portrayed in David's images. His four books are genuinely cover-to-cover shock and awe...statements of enlightenment and instant perspective which unlock endless doors of reality for those who seek to walk through them.

Through his social media outreach, David enjoyed and had the greatest respect for enormous numbers of friends he had around the world. He had a special way of talking and writing directly to people that left them feeling much the better for it...and he meant every word.

It is said, we should always strive to leave things better than they were before we arrived. Thank you, friend David, you did that and so much more. We are all far more enlightened and wise than we were before you came this way.

David's Last Appearance On The Program With Jeff - Listen

If You Would Like To Send A Comment For Posting Here
Please Send Your Thoughts To     ContactRense@earthlink.net

A Final Resting Place For David

After much looking, I found a perfect location under
a beautiful, young maple in the middle of the Mt View
Cemetery established in 1904 in Ashland

Five of David's friends were in attendance...
Jessica, Tom, Annie, Phoenix, and me...Jeff Rense

Jessica and Tom singing 'The Wabash Cannonball'...David loved railroads and railroad songs

Jessica beautifully singing 'Amazing Grace' with Tom on harmonica

Singing 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' ...One Of David's Favorites



From LC Vincent

I read of David Dees passing with the greatest regret.

David was a true genius and one-of-a-kind talent whose brilliance will never be replaced. His ability to translate social reality into the most savage and cutting political commentary remains unequalled.

To his great credit, David always perceived the hypocrisy of 'The Left' and 'The Right' and never refrained from hoisting fools of any class or social status on their own petard. He never played favorites -- for David, Truth was the only arbiter and determinant of his prodigious talent.

David Dees and his incredible work will be sorely missed. May his legacy live for generations to come!

From Mark

It is with great sadness that I learn of the too-soon departure of our Beloved Friend David Dees. I knew David only through his work but admired his skill so much that I wrote to him in support and admiration.

I'll never forget the humble, goodnatured and warm reply he sent back. He didn't have to reply but he did...and made me a part of his personal Universe and Legacy by doing so.

For a man I never 'knew' personally, his departure registers internally as though it was the loss of a Dear Friend. What a special Soul to have endeared himself to a stranger across the pond...through both his rousing art and gentle personal touch.

His piercing vision and capacity to deliver 1,000,000 Megaton 'Truth' Bombs with every artistic creation will remain forever remarkable, magnificent and impactful beyond measure.

Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your stirring words, intimate friendship and incredible David Dees Gallery with us all.

Rest in the Peace that Surpasses All Understanding, Mr. David Dees.

The World Remembers You!

Many Blessings to All,
Mark in Boston

From Mark Lorier

David Dees bravely used his artistic talent to communicate the issues of the day to millions of people in a more succinct and impactful way than any news anchor or political commentator was ever capable of doing. If indeed a picture paints a thousand words, David's comprehensive message survives eternity without question.
Mark Lorier
Los Angeles

From Farouk Khader

Dear Jeff Rense

I was absolutely shocked and saddened to learn of the passing away of David Dees. I am from South Africa and have been following rense.com for about fifteen years and always admired David's always spot-on artwork. Condolences to all his family and friends. I will miss him greatly, although I've never met or knew him.


Farouk Khader
South Africa
Farouk Khader
South Africa

From Frank Brady

Thank you, Jeff, for your moving tribute to a good man.

From Bill Few

He was the very best at what he did.
Bill Few

From Richard Poole

Hi Jeff,

I was so shocked to read about David. I had no idea this was coming, but seeing your tribute could only have meant one thing. (I didn't even know he'd left Sweden, to be honest.)

His work is indisputably legendary. How he brings the subjects to life by changing their eyes, his seamless meld of computer graphic with photographic...I could go on and on. And what a true professional! To still create art of such relevance and impact, right up to the end, is simply incredible.

His legacy - in these exceptional times - is in good hands, and I do take some comfort in that. Thank you again for all you did (and continue to do),


Hello Jeff,

I read through your information page regarding the passing of David Dees. It's a very touching story and he was very fortunate to have a friend such as you. He certainly deserved this special attention through his ordeal and it's great that you had the compassion and friendship to ease his passing.

He was indeed a special artist. With one of his images you can sense the story in an instant. A very rare form of clear communication. I am glad to hear that his intelligence and purpose will continue to shine through you maintaining his archives.

With All Respect and Gratitude,
Bruce Jessop
Bruce Jessop

From Roberto Campus

Dear Jeff,

I am deeply saddened by the passing of David Dees.

As someone who has been relying on your site and radio program since 1998 (it was sightings.com then), I became a huge fan of David's art at first sight and I always looked forward to his next piece. His irrereplaceable, irreverent, justly unforgiving, and cleverly satirical ability to synthesize and communicate the truth behind such diverse and complex issues in a single image will be sorely missed.

My deepest condolences.

Thank you for what you do,
Roberto Campus
Roberto Campus

From Zack

It is with a heavy heart that I have been made aware of the passing of David Dees, a genuinely creative genius of our times. Many years ago, while at a favorite local restaurant, I engaged in a conversation concerning hot button domestic and international events that were occurring at the time with a man many years my senior. Although I had not talked with this man before, I was taken aback by his degree of knowledge and unique perspective of past, present, and future events.

When I asked him how he knew so much, he referred me to "Rense." As soon as I returned home, I did an Internet search. Upon locating the website, I instantly became fascinated, not only with the type and volume of material but also with the incredible splash art frequently posted at the top portion of the home page. Every piece of digital artwork created by David Dees spoke to me just as much, if not more, than any article, book, or documentary video I have ever come across. The artwork of David Dees will always be cherished, and I am glad that it will continue to live on at Rense.com. Rest in Peace, David Dees – you will be greatly missed by friends and strangers alike.

From Douglas Herman Dear Jeff,

I read your tribute to David - Shocked - with tears streaming down my face - and still are.

Did not know. Felt I never did know David, although he designed a brilliant DVD cover for me.
Lovely, lovely tribute, Jeff. And only this year I, too, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
What did Riverbend write? "I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend.”
Douglas Herman

From Scott A. Moseman


David’s artwork always brought a smile to my face and I would frequently forward his art to others. He was brilliant.

Thank you for being a great friend and being there in the end for him. I’ve always had the utmost respect for you and I’ve leaned a lot from you over the last twenty-five plus years. You are a shinning light in this world of darkness.

As you know, when we pass our soul moves on. David is in good company with Jim, Texe, Andy, and other guests you have had on your show over the years.

Thanks for being there for him and all your listeners. You are appreciated.

Scott A. Moseman
Lincoln, CA

From Jeroen Wit

Dear Jeff, This hits like a hammer! Thanks so much for what you have done to help him after Sweden…and the tribute page, thank you!

I don't remember the exact date but somewhere about 2000, I recorded the track Sheepsrage with David's art only. It is still there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6-mchc5ubMHe liked it. So, we tried one more. It took me over a year! Never ever was he satisfied by the result. And in the end I wrote the darkest music you can think of. That did it. The best clip ever made of him, is own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nff1_nkorH8.

Shortly after it was published on your site I saw my business going bankrupt losing longstanding contracts often related to religious organizations. I had no option than to withdraw all I did on YouTube. I know David was ill. We spoke a lot about Rife, etc. Truly dear person to me who I use to call The New Rembrandt which of course he found full of shit. He was a modest true artist and human being. Take care, dear Jeff. Thanks again for all you did to help David!

Kind regards

Namaste Mr Rense,

I learned from your site yesterday that Mr Dees was no more in this world. I also read your tribute which provided more details. May God grant eternal peace to his soul.

You were fortunate that you could facilitate his living close to you. I will remember for quite a long time his cartoon featuring/describing 'Vote all you want. The flight plan doesn't change.'

If I recall correctly, (once) the eagle perched on the capitol building wore around the neck a locket of the six-pointed star of 'the only democracy near the Mediterranean.'

With best regards,

From Spero Spanios

I read your dedication to David this morning and for a moment felt empty inside. I was slowly revitalized as I progressed through your narrative. It is depressing to realize someone special is passing from our company no matter how distant or personally unknown they are to anyone in particular. That distance is relative as we are known of him by his work, his art. Very few possessed the insights into the reality of this world as David. While that knowledge is empowering, it is intimidating and daunting, especially when you share that knowledge with others...that you would be in the cross-hairs of those exposed.

Yet David turned the liability and fear of that knowledge into strength through his art. Every illustration, every work was bold and full of imagination, leaving most with a sense of clarity and few with doubt of intention through that art. That is the cohesion of what David expressed by putting inspiration to paper. He will be missed in person but lives through the timelessness of his work that now becomes a matter of historical record. Rest in peace, friend. We will all visit soon enough.

Spero Spanios

From Darren Krzynowek

Saddened by the news of David's passing, humbled by your story of him as a person and his final chapter. If pictures speak 1000 words, his art did as much X 1000. He ignited my awareness of many issues, expanded it on others and articulated the urgency of the times in ways that were always provocative and profound. Blessings on him his work and loved ones.


Darren Krzynowek

From Scott Moseman

Below is a comment from my mom, Karen, regarding David’s passing.

So sorry he's passed. You have shared a lot of his work with me.
Jeff sounds like he was an amazing friend to the end.
If you have just one good friend you are rich.

We all have a ticket to take the 'trip'. Nite.

From Allegance Undying

Tremendous compilation of his incredible work. Just learned of his passing on tonight's show.
He's in a better place now.

From T.J. O’Connor

Moved to tears!

Jeff - I'd like to honor David with a sculpture of him, with your guidance. I'm finishing off a portrait of Big Al, a famed NOLA blues and jazz singer who also passed away recently, way too soon. I'll send one small bust pic tomorrow and then the current one this weekend, if you don't mind. I am a long friend of your site and knew Sherman Skolnick very well, whom I visited a couple times in Chicago. I also drove him to the opening of "Conspiracy Nation" with Mel Gibson, based, as you know, on his work. He introduced me to Mae Brussell, whom I also visited a couple times in her Carmel Valley home. Their research dedication, along with David's, inspired me to pen my first novel, Fake Quake, which I hope to reissue this month.

Best, T.J O'Connor

From Steve Vee

I emailed David to see how he was doing and called his cell and hospital room - last talked to him April 28. I was really worried but I told him in March he wouldn't beat it and he was okay with it "I will croak happy”. Never met him in person, he told me Jeff was his best friend.

Just wanted to say alot of us cared.

From Edward Goodliffe

Dear Jeff,

David Dees was a good bloke; a very fine fellow indeed. Our paths first crossed many years ago when I saw on rense.com an appeal from David Dees for donations so that he could publish his first book. Without delay, I sent him money and he was so appreciative for the help. Ever since then, we have conversed periodically by email. I have purchased all of his books and promoted them to others.

Last year, I wrote a book about leaving the crowds and high taxes of London, England in 1975, moving to a small town of 325 people in Alberta, Canada and establishing a nail manufacturing plant despite knowing almost nothing about the industry. What could possibly go wrong? Quite a lot really; in fact, enough to fill a book.

As I detailed freedoms that have been lost since those days and covered things such as problem, reaction, solution and debt slavery, I thought a couple of full page David Dees illustrations would go nicely in my book. I contacted David and asked if I could use his illustrations and right away he sent me the files. I asked how much I owed him and his immediate response was "nothing." I could not do that, so I sent him a small payment. He was so delighted, he got back to me and asked what I was doing about a cover for my book? I had not even thought about it at that stage, but I ended up hiring him to do the job. I sent him a rough sketch of what I thought would look good and he turned it into an artistic masterpiece. If you want to check it out, go to Amazon.com books and search: 'Nailed It. The story of the Granum Gripper.'

David Dees was a most talented, enlightened, brave and kind man. He will be sorely missed but not forgotten.

Edward Goodliffe

From Steve F

I'm so sad he's passed. I enjoyed his work and hoped he would win is battle with cancer, he tried many things and never gave up.

God Rest.

Steve F

From Eddie Aucoin

Enjoyed his art very much. He will be missed.
Sorry for your loss of a good friend.


From Greg Salter

Sorrow. David made a great contribution to this sorry world. I've been connecting with rense.com
for over 20 years and was always impressed with David Dees imagination and talent.

May he rest in peace...

Greg Salter
Nova Scotia

From John O'Kelly

Beautiful tribute, Jeff.
John O'Kelly

From Steven Garren

I only had one personal email contact with David but I feel like I have lost a friend.
I was on his email list and was saddened to learn he had extensive cancer.
He was my favorite political artist. The truth movement has lost another great asset.
Steven Garren

Hi Jeff.

Your Tribute to David is heartfelt and very well written. A few years ago I was conversing via email with David about his music, because I play and sing myself, and have been since about 1973. He sent me a partial playlist of his songs. He also sent me a few photos. I sent him one of my grandson. (i’m very disappointed, as you are, with Trump) Here they are.
By the way, I signed up for your archive yesterday. Your shows get better all the time and I don’t always get it right when I want to re listen so the information sinks in to my thick skull, when the show is rebroadcast.

You are right, it takes a special kind of person to sing to the old folks, and bring them the joy and pleasure of hearing the old songs they grew up with. I and some others, play monthly at the local library, but it has been shut down because of covid19, for some time now.

Thanks much, Bob
Robert Dubrey