The Jeff Rense Program
The End Of The Line
"Often searingly politicially incorrect, and intellectually daring, Jeff Rense brings forth a prolific array of topics which routinely leave the listeners mesmerized. The program is simply intelligent, discovery radio at its finest and produces material which aims to be vital and addictive, compelling and life-changing."
- Bacon's Media Source
The World's Most Continually Unique,
Revealing Talk And Information Program
Syndicated Nationally And Worldwide
Jeff Rense - World's 4th Most Influential Voice In Alternative Media
Talk Steam Live Top 50 Talk Hosts In The World
Talkers Magazine Top 100 Hosts In America
World's #1 Talk Radio Alternative News Site
Live Monday-Friday 6-9pm Pacific
Repeated Monday-Friday 10pm-1am Pacific
Encore Sundays 6pm-9pm Pacific |
Night after night, Jeff presents the most advanced, provocative and revealing information available from the most exotic and eclectic venues of research and inquiry possible. With a guest list second to none (50+ intriguing personalities each month), Jeff interfaces with his subjects and listening audience in a unique fashion that has been described by broadcast executives as "the best information program ever."
In addition to offering compelling personalities and news makers with often unforgettable information and experiences, Jeff was a pioneer in making talk radio interactive with the internet and was the first to create and use the concept of a roster of regular, recurring, stellar guests who help make the program such a diverse and fascinating experience.
His internet site is one of the world's elite and most referenced 24-hour news services. archives close to 200,000 pages of stories, articles, comments, reports and news features. is a powerhouse and sits firmly in the top .001% of the sites on the internet.
The Road To Radio
As an award-winning television News Director and News Anchor for over ten years, Jeff continually pushed for higher standards of journalism and responsible, intelligent reporting and inquiry. Regrettably, those goals were often at odds with the irrevocable tv news obsession for tabloid exploitation of the trivial, the tragic and the sensational. The situation became so dubious and distasteful that one day he walked away from his highly-successful news anchor/news director career (as high as a 53 Share of the audience - Nielsen) and moved to radio, recognizing it as the last viable approach to bringing reality to the American public and via the internet, to the world.
Unmatched Diversity Of Information
The reach and impact of the Jeff Rense Program and is enormous. The site and program are constantly visited by globalist elite, government agencies, military and intelligence agencies and worldwide defense industry sources...all confirmed by electronic monitoring of site visitors.
Thanks to the program and site, listeners, researchers and information seekers from across the US and around the planet are being exposed to information and learning about the most important issues of our times they rarely, if ever, encounter in the controlled corporate world of mainstream broadcast and monopoly print media.
The Jeff Rense Program's quest to present the most intriguing news and personalities knows no geographical, political or ideological limits.
USA Prepares Radio!
With Vincent Finelli

Monday-Friday 10-12 Noon Pacific
Monday-Friday 12 Noon-2pm Central

Monday - Friday 9 am Pacific - 12 noon Eastern
Dane Wigington
Noon Pacific and 3pm Eastern
Andrew Hitchcock

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock was born 1 February 1973, and currently lives in London, England. He is the presenter of ACH, that goes out weekdays at 6pm U.S. Eastern time on the Rense Radio Network. He is also the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work The Synagogue of Satan, which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide.
Website https://
The Don Jeffries Show
9-11am Pacific 12-2pm Eastern Tue/Thu
Donald Jeffries is the author of several best-selling books. His work has been lauded by the likes of Ron
Paul, Naomi Wolf, Jesse Ventura, Roger Stone, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan and many others. He
interviews controversial and important figures from the worlds of politics and show business, with a
particular emphasis on the JFK assassination, 9/11 and other crimes and coverups.